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Tutoring, Education & Officiation

We are a team of Cantors and Rabbis offering private tutoring and officiation for Bar Mitzvahs & Bat Mitzvahs in NYC and the Tri State area. All tutoring lessons and even ceremonies are available in online virtual meetings via Zoom or your preferred video conferencing platform.  

Bar Mitzvah & Bat Mitzvah in the  NYC Metropolitan area
and now in Israel!

We take our students from Alef-Bet to Torah.


rabbi mitzvah new york
rabbi bar mitzvah new york
rabbi barmitzvahnew york

It's all about learning and growing!


A Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah and the education around it might be your first step into Judaism. Or, it may be the day you’ve dreamed about since they were born – the day they stand at the Torah and become a Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah.  


We have stood at the side of hundreds of Bar & Bat Mitzvah students, celebrating at 13 or even as adults, as they take their place among the Jewish people.


We offer weekly lessons, family meetings, rehearsal, and a joyous service at your venue with Torah scroll and ark. 


We also work with several of NYC's finest musicians who can add beauty and spirit to your service. 



Aliyah to the Torah

Receiving an Aliyah to the Torah is an honor: the honor to say a  special blessing before the Torah is chanted and after the Torah is chanted. 


The Bar or Bat Mitzvah receives this honor on the first day they stand to read from the Torah. Family and friends are also frequently honored with an Aliyah as well.

Blessing Before The

Reading of the Torah


Bar'chu et Adonai Ham'vorach

Baruch Adonai Ham'vorach L'Olam Vaed (repeated)

Baruch Ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech HaOlam

Asher Bachar Banu Mikol HaAmim V'Natan Lanu et Torato

Baruch Ata Adonai Notein HaTorah. 

Blessing After The

Reading of the Torah


Baruch Ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech HaOlam

Asher Natan Lanu Torat Emet

V'cha-yei Olam Nata B'tocheinu

Baruch Ata Adonai Notein HaTorah. 


Cantor Hayley Kobilinsky at Mallory Bat
Bar Mitzvah
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